Kane Blackwell


Hello, I am Kane Blackwell, proudly standing to be your Parliamentary candidate for Stratford and Bow.

As a local resident, I know first hand the issues that we face everyday. From increasing crime, unaffordable housing to littered streets. All of this is down to the Labour Council and the Labour Mayor. I am the candidate who will stand up for local people and local issues we care most about.

I have a strong plan to cut crime in our area and it starts with saving Stratford Police station. The Labour Mayor closed it in 2017, and following the recent fire at Forest Gate station and my colleague, Freddie Downing's tireless campaigning, Stratford Police station has reopened temporarily. I believe it should be permanent. That is why I am running this petition.

Please do sign below so we can send the Labour council and Sadiq Khan a clear message and reduce crime in our area.


Many thanks,

Kane Blackwell

Save Stratford Police station

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